Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Way You Live Your Day...

A few days ago, I mentioned a book I'm currently reading, entitled Liturgy of the Ordinary...

It talks about the importance of the small, everyday things we do.

One thought that I've been reflecting on is: the way we spend our days determines the way we live our lives. It seems quite obvious... But this idea struck home, because I sometimes come across lists of things I planned to accomplish a few years ago - and I haven't done them yet.

Why haven't I made that much progress...?!

Maybe I don't really want to do them... Or maybe my priorities need to change...

The author, Tish Harrison Warren, tells how changing two daily habits changed her life. A busy wife and working mother, she wanted to enjoy her life more... So one year, for Lent, she decided to change two habits. First, she'd no longer sleep with her cell phone in the bedroom. It was too easy to be distracted by reading emails during the night. Second, a reluctant bed-maker, she decided to start making her bed.

Those two changes in her routine did make a difference... She began to reflect more on her day (while making her bed?) The emails could wait.

Reading this has left me wondering: What changes could I make to my day that would enable me to focus on some of the things I still want to do, but never seem to have time for. What is holding me back?!

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