Monday, November 23, 2020

Rich Non-dairy Chocolate Pudding

I've tried the KETO diet, but consuming whole fat milk and eating lots of meat raised my bad cholesterol...

So these days I'm focusing on vegetable fats - like those found in nuts and avocado.

One of my friends, who is also trying to control her cholesterol, sent me this recipe for (rich) chocolate pudding made by blending together a ripe banana, two avocados, half a cup of cocoa and a tablespoon of honey... Actually she uses a little more honey than that, but I modified the recipe.

It doesn't taste the same as pudding made with milk - but I wondered if I'd enjoy it more if a drop or two of peppermint or almond extract were added.

It does freeze well - and it doesn't lose its thick consistency after freezing. But I wonder how it would taste if I made "ice cream sandwiches" with it before freezing.

I really do enjoy experimenting with recipes!

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