Monday, June 26, 2017

Irises... and Reflections on Perennial Gardening

We returned home from our Prince Edward Island vacation, wondering how our perennials were doing...

There had been lots of rain, so there was a profusion of growth...

New flowers were in bloom, mostly irises...

Large purple ones (surrounded by gout weed)...

(Lots of weeding to do!)

Bunches of smaller irises.

Other low-lying mauve flowers...

These look like they've finished blooming.

Are they carnations? Geraniums?

I don't know.. And they're interspersed with other flowers.

In my years of perennial gardening, I've discovered that there are three stages to a perennial garden:

First - when the spaces between the flowers are larger than the flowers themselves...

Not sure when this picture of our front garden was taken - but we traded in our white van in 2010, so it must be before that!

Doesn't the flower bed look tidy?!

The second stage is when the flowers fill out a bit and the garden beds look lovely and full. This usually takes about two or three years.

Here is a picture of our front garden bed at that stage...

But then - a few years later - things get overcrowded... That's the stage my flower beds are at now...

Like a parent of grown-up children, I've lost control!

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