Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Telling Our Stories

"...Frederick Buechner advises us to listen to our lives, to seek those patterns and rhythms of meaning that we often miss in the living of life but can discover in looking back...

"Tell stories. We love to hear stories because they are mostly about human beings surviving trouble. And we all need the encouragement that comes from discovering that others have been afflicted as we and have found a way to the other side. In stories are pain and struggle and failure, but also laughter and wisdom and grace.

"Your stories will have these things as much as anyone's and you do not have to be good with words to tell them powerfully...

"Write letters and tell stories that are ultimately affirming. Don't settle scores or preach old sermons..."

This quote - which I copied into my journal a number of years ago - reminds me of the importance of sharing my personal stories. Each of us has a story to tell... I encourage blogging - a blog is a wonderful way to share what life has taught us!

I should perhaps add that the quote above comes from the book Letters to My Children by Daniel Taylor (though the paragraph divisions are mine.) I haven't read Letters to My Children - I discovered this excerpt in The Inspirational Study Bible (pg. 59).

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