Thursday, March 30, 2023

Slow Down!

A few days ago, I woke up at 3 am. Unable to sleep, I got up to read for a while. Then I went back to bed.

When I woke up again at 8 am, sunlight was streaming in through the windows. How wonderful! A sunny day!

But when I tried to lift myself up to get out of bed, I could barely move. My neck was stiff and hurt every time I turned my head!

What to do?! First I looked online for some exercises to ease the pain. It was there that I found these two lists of injuries - childhood and adult.

There it was, on the top of the list of adult injuries: Slept wrong!

Day one: I attempted to live my normal life. Did my normal hour-long walk at the mall - at a slightly slower pace - but tried to keep moving. I read somewhere that it's better to keep the body moving than to sit still.

The next day, the pain was worse. I decided to do the exact opposite: just move a little, wrapped up in my warmest indoor clothing. From time to time, I'd do a few neck stretches - slowly turn my head left or right and try to look at my armpit.

Day three: a slight improvement. Maybe rest is a better way to heal. Maybe naps - with a hot water bottle warming my sore spots - is what I need.

Day four: Happily back to normal again.

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