Saturday, March 25, 2023

Latest Read

I recently read an interesting book entitled "Make Your Bed."

I was drawn to the book because I wondered how the act of making one's bed was so mysteriously powerful that it became a book title!

I should add that I do regularly make my bed. I started years ago - not because of any philosophical purpose - but because I once found a daddy-long-legs spider sitting on the pillow of my unmade bed. It left me so traumatized, wondering what I'd have done had I discovered him later, in the crevice of a sheet!

I immediately began making my bed, so as not to leave crevices for spiders!

But this book was interesting, not because of bed making, but because it reminded me how different we all are!  Written by a successful US Navy SEAL, it highlights the life lessons he learned in the navy.

As I read about him sitting, shivering, in a cold muddy swamp for five hours - just to prove that he was tough enough to do it. Or diving under a ship in the dark of night to remove a (practice) explosive - and LOVING the challenge, I thought: There is NO WAY I would ever choose to do any of that! 

But when I had finished the book, it did leave me wondering: What daily challenges should I set for myself to give me a sense of accomplishment every day.

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