Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Ah! Chocolate!

In our family, this is big news! My son sent me this picture.

A new kind of  "Jos Louis"... one fused with "Ah! Caramel". I haven't tried it yet. (I love chocolate but I'm not fond of caramel.)

Although my kids - well, probably just the older ones - didn't get any sugary treats for the first or two year of life, they made up for it in their teen years! At some point I let them take whatever they wanted in their school lunches - as long as they didn't throw it out!

I'd buy carrot sticks and healthy snacks - but I also had pre-wrapped Jos Louis cakes on hand. By then I may have also stopped making their school lunches, letting them prepare their own.

I haven't bought a box Jos Louis in years - but the love affair with chocolate lives on!

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