Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Walk Down Memory Lane

I don’t take many walks through the college in warm weather, but I recently did - walking to the public library. Looking at the buildings as I passed was a trip down memory lane…

The building above was here when we first moved into the neighbourhood. It remains the main administration building.

Walking past, I remember coming here to pay my son’s college tuition fees when he was a student - until they explained how I could do it on the phone. (I don’t think we were comfortable making online payments 20 years ago.)

The horticultural building came after we arrived in the neighborhood . I remember coming here to buy garden plants one year - fresh vegetables another. 

I recall the night they installed the pedestrian bridge seen in this picture. It crosses a busy street - joining two sides of the campus. Terry and I gathered with a small crowd of neighbors who stood and watched.

Putting the bridge in place was a slow, meticulous task. After about an hour, we headed home, returning the following day to see the task complete.

It was an exciting evening - the opportunity to see engineering in action!

So many memories!

Now I notice new construction signs. 

A light rail train station is being built… Train tracks will follow.., More changes ahead! 


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