Saturday, February 8, 2020

Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

I rarely have trouble falling asleep. My “secret” is to go to bed as soon as I feel tired. I get ready for bed long before then. Sometimes I relax by reading or by playing free cell or solitaire. When I start to feel tired, I head straight to bed.

Often I wake up after five hours of sleep. If my mind is awake, I get up and read until I feel tired again, hoping for another two to three hours of sleep.

Not long ago, I added a new pillow to my sleeping scenario: an anti-snore pillow that I had bought for Terry a few years back. At the same time, he purchased a new pillow for himself, so he never used this one. (Now he uses a sleep apnea machine - and has the best sleep he’s had in years.)

Since beginning to use the anti- snore pillow, I’ve been sleeping better, too - once for uninterrupted 9 hours!

Why has this pillow made such a difference, I wondered. So I googled my question, and discovered that improved sleep was due to the angle of the pillow and an indent in the middle that keeps the head in a position that aligns it to the spine.

Who’d have thought this “alignment” would make such a difference in sleep?!

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