Friday, February 6, 2015

Three Mitered Square Afghans ... Done!

A while back, I discovered a soft chunky variegated yarn that was pleasant to knit... but I wasn't sure what to make with it. I thought I'd like to make an afghan, but wasn't sure what pattern would highlight the yarn's ever-changing colors. While hunting for a pattern, I read that a variegated yarn doesn't make good afghans, as the color changes are more noticeable in smaller patterns.

That's when I thought of making an afghan using one mitered square knit on to another, and so on.

My first one was this green and blue one. I knit a row of 5 mitered squares, turned and went back to the other end. It is knit back and forth, so the squares in alternating rows are more or less the same.

I knit a second afghan in the same pattern but slightly longer, rows of 6 mitered squares knit back and forth, the same yarn in different colors.

I just finished my third - a little larger still, using yarn left over from the other two - plus some! This time, I knit a  row of five squares, cut the thread and started the next row at the beginning (not the end) of the previous one. That way, the mitered squares all go in the same direction.

I'm not sure which I like best! But they are all being used on chilly winter evenings.

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