Sunday, October 3, 2021

A Perfect Day

There aren’t many days when I sit outdoors, as I did one Sunday afternoon, a few weeks ago.

The temperature was perfect (68 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius). The sun was shining but there was a slight breeze. Terry and our older son were indoors watching football. I could hear their loud cheers in the distance.

I found a quiet place place in the shade. I wasn’t feeling great. From time to time I get vertigo... I felt unbalanced - unsteady on my feet. A slight dizziness. But the fresh outdoor air made me feel better.

Why don’t I do this more often? I wondered as I sat there enjoying the absolutely perfect fall day.

I don’t know. 

Sometimes not feeling well - making no demands of myself - can be a blessing in disguise. After sitting there for several hours, reading and enjoying the beauty of the trees and flowers, I felt a lot better.

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