I’ve had my hearing aids for about two months now. I’m slowly getting used to them...
Recently I had to do some “regular monthly or bi-monthly maintenance“ by changing the tiny filter and the “dome” in each one.
I had vague recollections of the audiologist telling me how to do it, but I wished she were with me as I tried - for the first time - on my own. I did have an instruction sheet.
As with many things, one really only learns by doing - by trial and error. Mostly error!
Here are my main errors! First, it was evening. So lighting wasn’t the best...
LESSON LEARNED: Make sure you have good light!
Second - and this is really important - take a picture of what they’re supposed to look like in the end by taking a picture of the hearing aids before you start and more pictures every step of the way.
My biggest problem wasn’t with the filter and dome. I got that after a few tries.

But I didn’t realize that the tiny plastic wire “anchors” that help support the behind-the-ear hearing aid could fall off... and they did! (Blame poor lighting.)
It took me a very long time to figure out how to re-attach them. (Which direction and which angle). A good picture of what they were supposed to look like in the end would have been very helpful.
(Not having the anchors fall off would have been most helpful of all!)
LESSON TWO: Take lots of pictures for reference!