Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Feeling Exceptionally Grateful...

Recently I've returned to my sewing room for a practical but unusual task: to add inner pockets to half a dozen flannel shirts I normally wear in winter indoors and out. 

I need the pockets to hold the cell phone I carry around all day long to count my steps on the phone's step-counter app. Most of the shirts don't have pockets the right size for holding the phone.

The other day, I was sewing a corduroy pocket onto a shirt, when the sewing machine needle snapped into three pieces. One piece stayed on the machine. The sharp end remained clinging to the pocket thread. But a third piece of the tiny needle went flying. I felt it hit my cheek, just under the reading glasses perched on my nose...

Did it hit the glasses first? I remember wondering in the second after it happened... That was close. It could have gone into my eye!

So here I sit - EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that I was wearing my reading glasses at the time. EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that I wasn't hurt...

Near-misses, like this make us re-evaluate the way we do things: Is there anything I should be doing to avoid the risk of this ever happening again?!

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