Sunday, August 23, 2020

Remembering My Day

I have selective memory! Often when asked what I did - or ate - the previous day (or previous meal), I simply can't remember! Is my memory really that bad?! Or do I just not pay attention?!

Those were my thoughts after reading about a daily meditative practice called the "examination of conscience" in The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. Jesuits are expected to do a 15-minute examination of conscience once or twice a day.

The "examination of conscience" has five steps - but two were of particular interest to me.

The first one - which is actually the first of the five - is to mentally list all the things one is grateful for, blessings that have come one's way. 

Over the years, I've tried to maintain a positive, grateful attitude, especially when feeling discouraged... But I haven't made a point of doing this every day... That will be a challenge!

The second aspect of the examination of conscience that interests me is the third step in the process: Remember everything one has done throughout the day, replaying one's entire day in one's mind...

Wow! That will be hard! So many things slip through the "cracks" in my memory!! But for the next little while, at least, I'm going to give it a try!

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