Monday, August 10, 2020

Lap Quilt... Almost Done!

If our hot weather continues, I may get more quilting done! I haven't been going outdoors a lot. Instead, I've been heading up to my sewing room to do a little sewing every day.

A while back, I came across two quilts I wanted to finish.  I started to work on this one, made of blue stripes sewn in two directions.

Then I pulled out another one that I had started a few years ago. It was an improv quilt... (As was the one above.) I wasn't working from a pattern. I was just playing around with fabric. But at some point, I had done something that didn't feel right. Now I didn't like it. What to do? I had come to an impasse...

Looking at it again, I realized that I needed to remove some of it. As is, it was a jumbled mess!!

I severed a section that didn't seem to fit. That made the quilt smaller...

It can be a lap quilt, I decided...

Inspired by my new vision for the quilt, I moved ahead, a little bit every day. Now all that's left to do is finish the binding...


  1. Wow, beautiful colours and so much work! Lots of love in that.

    1. Actually, it's a lot of fun - if I don't feel pressured to work on it. That's why it takes me so long to finish one, I guess!
