Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Malleable Brain

When my boys were young, they loved to play video games... for hours!

What is this doing to their brains? I'd often wonder, as I'd stand behind them and watch them control Super Mario as he ran through tunnels, slamming into prizes wherever he went. Later their video games became move violent - something I found troubling. Were they being programmed to be violent themselves?!

I've recently come across several books about the malleability of the brain... The Brain the Changes Itself and The Brain's Way of Healing, both by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Both books are in my public library. One interesting quote explains the premise behind both books: namely, that "mental activity is not only the product of the brain, but the shaper of it..."

After reading a few chapters, I've learned that exercise and learning both keep the brain young and active. Travel is one kind of learning mentioned. Not only does one learn about new places when traveling, one is challenged to step into new situations and learn that way...

I'm interested in finding out more...

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