Monday, October 2, 2017

After the Heat...

The day I left for Edmonton, the weather became unseasonably hot and humid in our part of Ontario, with temperatures in the 30's Celsius, 90's Fahrenheit.

I missed the first week of heat: I was in Alberta - where windy weather made it feel considerably cooler.

The weather was still hot when I returned... The AC ran non-stop and I stayed in the house a lot. I really didn't mind the heat. I knew that when it cooled off, I'd have lots of yard work to do - and no excuse for not doing it!.

A week after my return, a cold front moved in...

Between the hot and cold fronts, a brief storm: strong wind and five minutes of rain that unexpectedly wrecked havoc in some parts of  town. Trees were downed.

On our street, a few doors from our house, part of a tree came down. The following night, our street lights were out.

The beginning of fall weather?!

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