Friday, October 27, 2017

Saying "Good-Bye"...

Life goes on as normal for years and then... !!

The past few weeks we've said "good-bye" to machines that we've relied on for years!

First, our trusty fax machine suddenly "died"... Fortunately, we no longer send or receive faxes, but we did use it as a phone... (On the plus side, moving it out of my office led to a major frenzy of tidying, cleaning and re-organizing!)

Then we decided to sell our 12-year-old car. Around the same time, it started to manifest a few problems, so we had to have some repairs done... But now it's fixed and gone!!

We thought we'd have to say another "sad farewell" - this time to our 17-year-old washing machine... The knob (on the right) that you pull to start the machine came off... But then we discovered that we can use pliers to start it! So the pressure is off...

Terry will be looking for a new washing machine, but there's no hurry now!

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