Sunday, October 15, 2017

Amazing Garden: "Mosaicanada 150"

Today is the last day that an amazing garden is open in Ottawa...

Well, not actually in Ottawa, but across the river from the National Gallery in Ottawa, in Gatineau, Quebec - next to the marina.

Terry and I were there yesterday (at Jacques Cartier park)...

It's open from 10 am to 7 pm.

We were a little early, so we walked around the marina ...

... and took pictures of the garden from a distance through the wire fence.

 When the gate opened, the line up was long, but it moved along quickly.

The display is called Mosaicanada 150, in celebration of the 150 years since Canada's confederation.

There are iconic figures of people and animals that call to mind Canada's history.

My favorites were horses...

... and other realistic looking animals, like this polar bear...

... and these puffins.

I also loved this prospector - alluding to the gold rush in British Columbia and the Yukon, in the 1800's.

Of course, the trans-Canada railway served to unite the country in its early years...

This train engine, on loan from a Vancouver museum, dates back to those days.

A gigantic lumberjack - another iconic figure...

Some hockey players...

This large face - not sure who she represents...

A truly beautiful exhibit...

There are also volunteers to answer questions... like how this is all done...

And admission is FREE!

(But it ends today...)

See it! It's definitely worth it!

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