Tuesday, October 24, 2017

On Quilting... and Life!

The past few weeks have been busy with quilting...

As I work on my latest quilt, it occurs to me that the end result will be determined by daily decisions I make as I go along...

How big should it be? Do I want it fluffy or flat? To quilt by hand or by machine? To add a border or not?

Small daily decisions move me in different directions, determining what the end result will be like...

In that way, quilting is a lot like life!
As I re-read this, I suddenly realize that quilting offers me a freedom of "expression" that knitting doesn't... In knitting, I follow the pattern!

I'd really love to be able to knit out my designs and ideas - play around a bit - but I'm not that skilled. I don't know why - I've been knitting longer than I've been quilting.

One of my knitting goals is to be able to design my own sweaters and other garments, which is why my current wrist problems - tendinitis - is so disheartening to me.

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