Monday, August 29, 2016

Changing Times

My sons are in their thirties now. (So in my eyes, they're not that old!)

Recently one of them told me how.times have changed since he was a kid.

I recently saw this boy, about 10, taking the garbage out to the curb, he told me.

I remember doing the same thing at his age. I also remember that if you asked me to do it while I was watching TV, I'd wait till the next commercial.

But this kid had the black garbage bag in one hand and his cell phone in another. He had earphones in his ears.

He didn't need to wait till the commercial! He could watch the program on his device WHILE he was taking out the garbage.

(Or he could simply have paused the TV until he got back.)

Wow! Kids have it a lot easier these days then we had it!

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