Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Power of Suggestion

My youngest son, when he was four or five, loved to watch Bugs Bunny on TV. Whenever the cartoon came on, he would rush into the kitchen and ask for a carrot. Then he'd sit there watching Bugs and his antics - happily munching the carrot. (In fact, it came to the point that whenever I wanted him to eat a healthy snack, I'd turn on the cartoon!)

Was it the sight of Bugs, carrot in hand, that brought on his sudden carrot craving? I suspect it was!

I've had a similar experience the past few weeks. Reading Jane Christmas's book about her misadventures on a four-week 800-kilometer walk in Spain doing the Camino de Santiago, I have been transported there - in imagination! As I read the detailed struggles of her daily 20 (or more) kilometer walk, I've suddenly had the urge to walk several miles a day, too. If they can do it, perhaps I can, too!

I hope this walking urge keeps up! If not, I'll have re-read the book - or find another about a long-distance trek. Apparently the power of suggestions works on me, too!

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