Saturday, September 23, 2023

Virtual Challenges = More Walking

I've been mall walking for a while now - ever since since shopping centres reopened after being closed for a while at the beginning of the pandemic. My goal has been to take 10,000 steps a day. My phone has an app that counts my steps. Using the app has resulted in my taking my phone with me wherever I go - even in the house.

To make it more interesting, last spring I began following hiking paths in different parts of the world on Google maps as I walked (virtually) by charting my course, step by step, on the map... Basically pretending I'm there!

I thought it might make me feel as if I were travelling again - seeing new scenery.

What I wasn't expecting was that it would actually INCREASE THE AMOUNT I walk daily... But it apparently has, without my realizing it.

This summary popped up on my walking app a few days ago - the app that counts my steps when I have the phone in my pocket. I'm very surprised that almost immediately there was a significant increase in the amount I walk - hopefully not just because I'm carrying the phone in my pocket more - although that is also a possibility!

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