Friday, September 22, 2023

Healthy Aging: 8 Habits

I recently came across this CNBC article on healthy aging...

I was curious to see if I practiced any of this elderly physician's 8 "non-negotiables."

1. He takes an early morning walk at 5 am, aiming for 7,000 steps. 

I walk in the mall in the morning, but not that early. I'm happy if I exceed 5,000 steps by the time I'm done. I'll do more later in the course of the day.

2. He does intentional exercises and stretches, different ones every day, depending on what he feels he needs.

I do hand stretches to avoid pain from crochet and knitting but I could and should do more exercises to improve my balance.

3. The 95-year-old retired cardiologist then takes out his laptop to connect with family members via social media. 

I do some of that, but less that I used to, probably because my children and grandchildren now live nearby.

4. He writes his thoughts, feelings and experiences in his daily blog.

Yup! I do that, too!

5. He takes time for art, drawing a self portrait every day.

Hmmm! I never thought of doing that...

6. He is open to learning new hobbies - like music and gardening.

I recently started doing word puzzles like Quordle.

7. He takes multiple naps.

I often take one, mid-afternoon.

8. He eats indulgent meals - meat, cheese, wine , as well as vegetables.

I try to limit indulgent meals to special occasions. 

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