Monday, July 15, 2019

Learning about Longevity...

I have been reading books on living a healthy life ever since I developed type 2 diabetes. Since that time, my personal library of health-related books has grown...

One author whose advice I value is Dr. Jason Fung, a Canadian doctor who is a strong proponent of intermittent fasting for those of us struggling with high blood sugar issues. I already own three of his books.

Intermittent fasting involves eating all meals and snacks within a 6-8 hour period, with no food intake after that time. (Fortunately, drinking - coffee, tea and water - don't count as "eating.")

Recently a book co-authored by Dr. Fung caught my eye. Fortunately I found it in the public library. The Longevity Solution, (published in 2019) is an interesting read.

So far I've only skimmed its contents, jumping here and there to read about the importance of salt in diets, the value of eating nuts, and how fasting releases "growth hormone."

(It's hard to do much reading in gardening season!)

I don't know if I'll finish the book before it comes due - and I have no chance of renewing it as several dozen people have placed a hold on it...

(Maybe I simply need to buy my own copy...!!)

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