Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Enneagram Personality Tests

A friend recently told me about an enneagram personality test she had taken with her work colleagues. I looked it up online and did a free version (which you can access by going to the website link above.

How was the enneagram different from any other personality test I've ever taken?

I'm still trying to figure that out...

The book, the Four Tendencies, which I read a while back, divided people into four main personality types. The enneagram system divides people into 9 different types - and the test found on the link above, determines a person's strongest three of the nine.

Terry agreed to do the test, too - and (of course!) we're completely different. Don't they say opposites attract?!

Why am I doing this? Terry asked... and, of course, I couldn't give a reasonable explanation...

Don't you find it interesting to see that your "faults" are sometimes part of your personality package? That's what I find so interesting... Knowing that, I blame myself less for the characteristics that I have that I don't like...

Once, years ago, at work our coordinator had us all do personality tests. That test grouped people in "colors," not descriptive works.

Later we sat together and talked to the people who had the same personality type as we did. I found the people in my group to be the most interesting people on staff!

If I learned anything from that workplace exercise it was not to expect everyone to act or think the same as I do. Every organization needs people with different skills, with different strengths and weaknesses. That said, we may not enjoy spending time with all our colleagues equally either.

(It's also interesting that different personality types appear in families, too!)

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