Monday, September 23, 2024

Time to Quit!

I have a hard time quitting anything: deep down, it makes me feel like a failure...

Once, in my younger teaching years, I offered to help a group of students who were struggling in school. How hard could it be? I told myself. And I'd actually be helping people...

But it was harder than anything I had ever tried to do! I wasn't enjoying it - and most of the students weren't enjoying it either. After two sessions, I wanted out.

What should I do? I asked a good friend.

Quit!! she said. You don't want to do it - that's reason enough.

Really? So I took her advice.

I'm taking her advice again, as I look at the "temperature blanket" I started last January (to show changes in local weather over the course of a year). It quickly became a burden and an "obligation " and never "sparked joy" - in the words of Mari Kondo, the organizing guru. 

It's about half the size of what it needs to be to cover an adult snoozing on the sofa.

I'm not sure what it could be used for as is... but I'm not enjoying doing it - so I quit!!

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