Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Inspiration... to Be Creative

I recently read about a young man from Ottawa who's has been posting TikTok cooking videos online for several years now. 

He gained recognition this summer after posting dozens of cucumber recipes - each one an easy meal or snack - three recipes a day, day after day. 

The recipes are unusual: sliced cucumbers coated with peanut butter sauce, or mixed with salmon and cream cheese - and bagel spices, to name a few. The list goes on!


His cooking creativity was recently featured in our local paper - and the New York Times.

I'm not sure how many of his recipes I'll try - but reading about all his experiments with sauces and unusual - to me - ingredients has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone when cooking and to add new ingredient combinations I've never tried before... So I recently threw some Craisins and nuts into my Greek salad. 

I haven't added peanut butter to any vegetables yet, but I'm thinking about that, too!

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