Monday, September 16, 2024


At first I wondered if the animal next to the car was a fox.

Last year I saw them from time to time - but none so far this year.

No, it's a cat - very focused on something under the car...

A few nights ago Terry noticed a large black cat, hunting something in the flower bed: Baby bunnies, pethaps? Mice? Chipmunks?

Then there are the quiet neighborhood skunks that dig up our lawns looking for grubs...

Occasionally we catch a glimpse of them, too. All live in our neighborhood..,

It's a busy place outdoors!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Swimming Fun!

Yesterday was warm and sunny - a perfect day for brunch and a swim in our older son's home.

Ivy created an island oasis in the deep end of the pool...

.. while her brother had fun in the shallow end.

Chipmunks ran back and forth with nuts and seeds... I sat in the shade and watched.

A perfect afternoon!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Skyscrapers and Planes!

In early September, Terry and I were in Toronto, visiting our daughter in her new home.

She lives in the heart of the city - in a neighborhood called "Liberty Village" - where tall apartment buildings and condos are springing up all around.

Her "picture postcard" view of the city, includes the CN Tower, beautiful by day or by night...

Also commuter trains... and an elevated expressway.

One morning, after enjoying the view, we headed out for brunch in Liberty Village.

Walking back to her place, we suddenly heard planes - overhead. 

It was an air show!

I pulled out my camera - and managed to get pictures of ... mostly buildings! 

So we headed up to the penthouse garden of her building to get a better view...

From that height, the view was really breathtaking!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Old Fort York

We were recently in Toronto, visiting our daughter in her new home.

Her new apartment overlooks Fort York, the British military fortress that led to the creation of  the town of York in the 1700's. 

Later, the town of York became the city of Toronto.

We walked around inside the fortress, checking out its soldier and officer quarters, that date back to the 1700's. 

We even had a free guided tour.

One of the most interesting parts of the tour - for me - was a demonstration of the loading and firing of a musket, the weapon soldiers used at the time.

Stepping back into the past like this was all very interesting!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Also Growing Up!!

This picture of my 4-year-old grandson makes me realize - again - that nothing stays the same...

A few days ago, I mentioned that our granddaughter was becoming competent in so many areas...

Her brother is, too! Last time he visited us, he washed and dried dishes - with great joy!

Now, in this recent photo, the "baby of the family" looks like an aspiring daredevil! He had such a good time!

New skills... and a new phase of life!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

River Walk

Last week Terry and I crossed the river into Quebec and headed to one of my favorite local walking paths, along the Ottawa River.

We hadn't been there since early spring.

Now, in summer, boats are moored at various docks along the river.

The river may be shallower now than in spring. For the first time, I noticed what looked like flat rocky patches - near the surface of the water...

... just beyond the lily-pads...

Tents had been set up in a nearby park. Terry thought they might be connected to the annual Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival... but we didn't see any balloons.

Any season of the year, a beautiful part of our area to visit... 

...just across the river from the city of Ottawa.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Another Weather Pic

Natalie recently sent me this evening picture of the view from her window...

Oh, the colours!

Another one to share on the weather app photo gallery!

Monday, September 9, 2024


A few days ago, Terry and I were in Brockville, about an hour south of Ottawa, on the St. Lawrence River.

We bought fish and chips - then went to the park to eat...

Suddenly we noticed a US Coast Guard ship pass by... We've never seen that before!

What are they looking for ... so close to the Canadian shore?!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Grandparents' Day!

Today is Grandparents' Day - a day I only recently discovered existed...

Apparently US President Jimmy Carter signed this special day into being - and Canadians came on board!

I also only recently discovered that being a grandparent can have health benefits. I know that physically I'm more active when I hang out with my grandkids... The number on my pedometer jumps any day I spend time with them.

And ... according to "Dr Google" - studies have shown that hanging out with kids can delay dementia and extend your life.

So - whether you have kids or grandkids or not, talking to young ones and hanging  out with them is apparently good for your health! 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Field Trip

A few weeks ago - before school started - Terry and I joined our grandchildren on a "field trip" at our local newspaper, where my son works.

There we saw what happens after the news stories are written, when the newspaper is printed.

The Ottawa Citizen still has its own printing press. It's a massive undertaking... (In this part of the process, yellow lighting is needed.)

As we wound our way through the printing process, we arrived at the room where the newprint is stored - in gigantic rolls. 

They were heavy to move!

Such an interesting field trip!

One we'll definitely remember!