Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Drives You?!

I recently came across this thought in a book I'm reading: 

"Beware what drives you on... What we long for regulates our actions, shapes our motives, determines our relationships, directs our hearts, consumes our lives. What is it that consumes yours?"

It made me stop and think...

When I was a teenager, I couldn't wait to leave home and "see the world." Where did that all-consuming desire come from? I don't know - but I'm sure it was fuelled by the books I read and movies I watched. 

My mind jumps to the present: What do I long for now?! I still like to "see the world" but, this past year, most of my "travel" has taken the shape of virtual walks in places like Mexico, India and Spain. (In reality, I'm rarely far from home.)

I long to live a quiet life, at peace with friends and family... 

Creativity - whether in pottery, painting, gardening, blogging or fiber arts (like knitting and quilting) also gives me great joy.

"What drives me?" is an interesting question to ask ourselves from time to time... I wouldn't say "BEWARE" but "BE AWARE" ... (unless you're UNHAPPY with your life.)

PS "What drives you?" is an interesting question to ask others, too... 

(BEWARE, Terry, I'll probably ask you!)

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