Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Neighbourhood Yarn Store

Whenever Terry and I travel to southern Ontario, I secretly hope he'll want to eat ribs at Camp 31, a restaurant in Paris, Ontario.

There's a well-known Canadian yarn store a few kilometres away - and we always stop in.

Occasionally I remind myself that they may have the same yarn - and patterns - at a yarn store in our neighbourhood as well. 

Recently I stopped in, just to see..

And they did have some of the some yarn. 

In fact, this sweater is made of the same patterned yarn I'm currently knitting, only in a different color.

I came across another interesting sample - this thick and thin yarn in red and orange.

I'd better leave before I break down and buy some... I definitely would if I didn't have half a dozen unfinished items in the house already!

Time to finish them all!

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