Thursday, July 18, 2024

Never Before!

There are all kinds of commercial vehicles out on the roads - but I've never seen one like this... A van transporting worms - or "vers" in French.

I assume these are worms sold to fishermen. I've occasionally come across stores that sell plastic cartons of them in the country...

So many questions come to mind:

Who in the city sells worms? Is it a lucrative business?!

Who packages them? (And how?! I can't imagine the worms would just crawl into the plastic cartons...!)

Where do they find these worms? Or do they  "farm" them - the way fish are "farmed" in ponds?

How long are they "good"once packaged?

Is there a "best before date" that expires?!

One final thought: As a former teacher, I imagine that a worm packaging plant would make a memorable field trip for kids... with a lot of animated discussion to follow. (But hopefully no "free samples" to take home on the bus!)

Finally, I googled the company name; it appears to be a thriving business.

(And to think, I would never have wondered about any of this had I not noticed the van!)

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