Thursday, July 25, 2024

Problem Solved!

A few days ago, I mentioned that I had encountered a problem uploading photos to my blog. My free photo storage was apparently full...

One solution was to purchase more storage space on Google.

But when I clicked on the second option - to delete files - it appeared that I had quite a bit of storage available, as I had been busy deleting photos that were no longer important to me. Yet somehow this fact hadn't registered with Google because I was still receiving warnings and I was still blocked from uploading photos to the blog.

I consulted (complained) to various family members who offered various suggestions:

  • Pay the $3 monthly fee to get more storage
  • Create a new email account and email all large files (eg videos) to this new account. Then delete them from Google.

I tried unsuccessfully to contact SOMEONE at Google who might help me - but to no avail. There was an invisible wall between their help desk and me... It was just so frustrating and such a waste of time...

(But - on the positive side - it did show me how important my daily blogging was to me. The idea of giving it up was really crushing!

After yet another unsuccessful attempt to post a few photos to the blog, I (yet again) lamented to my daughter that I didn't know what to do. 

Have you tried deleting cookies? she asked.

I didn't know an iPhone had "cookies," I  replied. So she led me step by step ...

  • Go to Safari and find the book icon at the bottom of the page. Click it.
  • Next, click the clock icon
  • Then delete your history...

I did it - I deleted it all... and "lo and behold" the problem was gone! I have no idea what I was doing or why... But I could again upload photos to my blog!! Problem (FINALLY!) solved!

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