Monday, July 1, 2024

🇨🇦 Canada Day 🍁

Happy Canada Day!

Canada Day is always a time for me to reflect on the great blessing it is to live in Canada... with its political freedom and its many other benefits, like free healthcare for all.

A year ago, we were reminded of how wonderful it is to live in a country where all residents have access to free healthcare after our daughter-in-law suddenly needed heart surgery - and had it, free of charge, in a world-class hospital at the Ottawa Heart Institute.

Terry remembers how, in his childhood, when his mother developed lung cancer - in the days before Canadians had free healthcare - her three-year medical ordeal totally depleted the family's finances, leaving them bankrupt.

So thankful to live in this beautiful, peaceful land... where medical needs are provided, free of charge, to Canadians.

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