Thursday, March 31, 2022

Masks and Tests - The New Normal

When our granddaughter recently arrived with her family for a week-long visit, our son was reluctant to let her come into our house. Terry has CLL (chronic lymphatic leukaemia) - a risk factor for Covid. They had just heard that one child in the Spring Break cooking camp our granddaughter had attended the previous week had tested positive.

Several days had passed since she’d been at camp - and she had no symptoms - so we set some ground rules: no hugging Grandma and Grandpa until she tested negative.

The family would come into the house, though we’d all wear masks when we were in the same room together. 

We opened windows… And they didn’t sleep at our house. They stayed in a hotel.

We still had fun!

Then, a few days later, our neighbor Mary was able to provide us with some rapid tests that she had gotten from s friend. 

Both mom and granddaughter tested negative!

Life returned to normal!

Then, a few days later, our older son - who had dropped in for s visit - was notified that a close friend of his had  just tested positive. Our son was able to find a box of rapid tests. The first came back negative. He was planning to do another test before heading to work the following day.

If he tests positive, Terry and I will take our first ever rapid Covid test… The new normal way of living, I guess.

(Fortunately, his second test was also a negative.)

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