Thursday, March 24, 2022

Keeping Sharp

One of the books on my “to read” list is the book “Keep Sharp” by neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta. I recently listened to him give a talk about the book - and realized that there are a lot of things I can do to help myself stay mentally strong, even as I age.

Exercising - taking a walk to solve a problem is one… Years ago, I used to suggest an after-supper stroll with one or another of my kids, when I was curious to hear what was really going on in their lives… when the question, “what happened in school today?” invariably produced the response: “Nothing…”

Singing is another. Dr. Gupta mentions that singing uses three areas of the brain… (No need to join a choir! Just singing along to favorite songs on the radio or on YouTube - when I’m alone - would be a fun way to do it!)

(Not mentioned in the book so far - but I suspect dancing is another. I remember a TED talk by someone with MS who found that dance lessons kept his symptoms at bay. I wonder if Dr. Gupta mentions that…)

Doing NEW things - moving beyond one’s comfort level is another. Dr. Gupta mentioned that he began to cook while at home during pandemic. That took him into uncharted territory!

Lots of food for thought!

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