Saturday, June 27, 2020

Diet Changes to Promote Weight Loss

Yesterday I mentioned an Oxford University Diet Study that listed 53 changes one can make to promote weight loss. Some of these relate to diet; others to exercise...

The article is found in the Times of London online newspaper. Another article on the study can be found here...

I  made a list of these 19 food-related changes that will result in weight loss, according to the study... And one only needs to choose a few to see an impact...

Another important point! You do have to get on the scale every day and track your weight, presumable to see what is working!

  1. Eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
  2. Snack only on vegetables.
  3. Eat food that has less than 3g of fat per 100g.
  4. Eat food that has less than 5g of carb per 100 g.
  5. Replace rice, potatoes and pasta with veggies.
  6. Half the plate, in your main meal, should be vegetables.
  7. NO fatty processed meat
  8. NO snacks between meals
  9. NO cakes, cookies, sweets, even as part of a meal
  10. NO desserts or appetizers 
  11. NO fried food
  12. NO white carbs (pasta, potatoes, white bread)
  13. YES - eat dairy and fruit
  14. YES - eat fruit and vegetables to replace unhealthy snacks
  15. YES - eat 6-8 nuts a day
  16. YES - eat meal replacements (shakes and bars)
  17. YES - skip a meal a day
  18. YES - eat no more than 3 meals a day
  19. YES - eat nothing after 8 pm
I think that the beauty of this list is that one chooses 1-8 items to focus on at a time. And even one change will (according to the study) make a difference.

I plan is to aim small and choose only one item to focus on for a while...

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