Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Long Hike

Shortly after my arrival in my BC hometown, I set out on my own to explore historic downtown...

(It's the part of town that I remember.) 

I had weekly lessons at my piano teacher's house above...

The old movie theatre now houses a Timmy's!

We kept our boat at the yacht club - which was much smaller then...

My mother attended this church when she lived around the corner.

This clock looks familiar... But the library I knew is gone - as is the high school I attended.

The city park has changed a bit. There used to be an "aquatic" at the end of this path.

My parents knew the original owners of this motel... 

Lots of memories!

Around noon I headed back to my uncle and aunt's home...

I decided to take a shortcut - and go straight up the hill!

Fortunately I made it up without mishap, logging over 18,000 steps that day!

(Did I think I was still a teenager?!)

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