Monday, October 17, 2022

Shopping... Then and Now!

Shopping has really changed... It used to be a relatively simple thing. You head for a store - hoping to find the item you want to buy. 

You might end up walking around for much of the day - and come home tired and empty-handed... But that's  the way it was done!

These days it's a little different. The shopping experience now has three steps.

The first is the online research. So if you head to the store to get an item, the item has already been researched online: Who sells it? Do they have it in stock?

The second step is the pick up. When my daughter discovered that the item she wanted was in stock in her size in the mall I often go to, she asked me to pick it up for her, which I was happy to do.

You'd think it would end there, but there's another step... the feedback!

I confess I'm pretty diligent about this. After all, I like to read reviews before I purchase.

But sometimes it takes longer to fill out the questionnaire than it does to make the purchase!

Before online reviews existed, not bringing the item back was feedback enough!

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