Sunday, August 18, 2024

Greek Fest 2024

Yesterday Terry and I headed over to Greek Fest - to enjoy the music and genuine Greek food.

I haven't been for a few years - so it was nice to be back.

Terry enjoyed a souvlaki dinner with salad and a locally-made Greek style beer.

I had a chicken wrap...

...and a piece of Greek custard pie (called "galaktoboureko" - a word I won't even attempt to pronounce!)

Later we went into the Arts Court - where a potter I know had some items for sale.

Then we headed up unto the church and sat for a few minutes. 

We admired the paintings of saints on the domed ceiling.

I looked around at all the ikons, trying to find one that looked like the ikon I made. The one above - a portrait of Jesus - bore some resemblance to the one I made in Toronto 5 years ago.

It was a lovely afternoon... punctuated with showers. The festival will be held this weekend and next. 

Glad I was able to go.

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