Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Walk in Britannia Park

My older son and I recently went for a walk in Britannia Park - on the Ottawa River.

It was a lovely evening - and the park was very busy.

The first thing we we noticed was a red-headed woodpecker. I headed after it, in search of a perfect picture. 

He wouldn't let us come too close - but I managed to get his silhouette.

There were a lot of activities going on - among them beach volleyball and children's swimming lessons - but the people attracting the most attention were those kite-surfing on the water. 

There was a breeze - so the kite surfers managed to keep up a steady clip. We saw this guy leaving, carrying his equipment. It looks awkward and perhaps heavy to carry!

It was fun to watch them in the late afternoon sun.

I'm glad one of us suggested a walk in the park....

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