Monday, August 19, 2024

Comedy... in the Rain!

I was looking forward to the Great Outdoors Comedy Festival here in Ottawa.

My favorite American comedian - Nate Bargatze - was the headliner - and my son and his wife had bought tickets for Terry and me as Christmas gifts!

I was so excited...

The day was lovely... but one big cloud hung over the festival grounds... and didn't move!

The first two comedians finished their routines... and it was time for Nate to do his. A few minures into his act, rain began to fall. Then it began to pour!

In true stoic Canadian style, most of us stayed... but I wondered WHY I hadn't bothered to bring an umbrella or raincoat. There was no rain in the forecast... but that big cloud in the picture (above) had given us fair warning! We had left our umbrellas in the car!

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