Thursday, January 4, 2024

Zero Waste

There's a new expression I've recently come across - one so recent that even my daughter wasn't aware of it! (And SHE'S the one I ask whenever I come across something I don't understand!)

The expression is "zero waste." 

I encountered it first when I saw this book of clothing patterns. It appears that these patterns try to cut fabric in such a way that there are few scraps left over. Interesting! (Though early quilts were made, in part, with leftover scraps!) My mother was "old school" in this matter. She hated to go out and buy fabric for quilts. Her goal in quilting was to use up her dressmaker scraps. (But she did sew all her own clothing, so she had a lot of leftover scraps.)

I went to Instagram and did a search.

There were so many zero-waste options!

My mother would have bern very interested in not wasting. Her family had lived in poverty when they first came to Canada in 1938. Their farmland in the Ukraine had been taken by Stalin - so they tried to leave. Selling their farm animals, wagon, furniture, etc. gave them enough money to pay for their passage to Canada by ship - two adults, four children. But they arrived with virtually nothing. Once the children were old enough to get jobs, family finances improved.

Decades later, I grew up with a "waste nothing" or "zero waste" attitude. Hopefully the book will provide interesting ideas.

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