Monday, September 12, 2022

New Diet Advice

I've read a lot of diet books over the years. Most have had a positive impact on my eating habits.

My most recent read is this one about the DASH DIET, where the SH in DASH stand for STOP HYPERTENSION (more commonly known as high blood pressure). 

I have taken blood pressure medication for years. Would a diet plan help me with that? 

The DASH DIET has apparently been highly regarded for years...

Worth a try! But what are the key diet changes I'd have to make?

Eating more vegetables and low-fat dairy seem to be key.

I already try to do that. 

Then I read a suggestion: Double up! In other words, instead of one glass of milk, drink two. Make one a latte. Double the size of your veggie servings.

That sounds easy enough!

The book also suggests checking blood pressure daily for a month to see if there are improvements. I'll try to remember that.

(Ironically, Terry - who consumes full fat milk and ice cream with high cream content - has no blood pressure problems that he's aware of...  So for some people, this is totally irrelevant... So much depends on genetics!)

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