Throwing the pot (building it on the wheel).
Turning the partially dry pot upside on the wheel and trimming it so that the thickness of clay is more or less uniform throughout. (This causes the "hidden" shape of the pot comes out!)
Here are some pots I trimmed last time. Doug fired them (and they changed color). They are now ready for the final stage, glazing. (More on that later. We haven't reached that step yet!)
The only pot dry enough to be trimmed in my last pottery class was this very wonky one. When part of it crumbled, I cut off a bit more. I don't want it to be too fragile when it is done. (In fact, I was contemplating cutting off the sides and making a plate!)
After trimming that one, I made several more - trying to determine what I'm doing wrong - why my pots turn out wonky.
Doug trimmed down the top of this one, which revealed the irregular thickness of the sides. That shouldn't be!
My next one turned out a little better. (The skill of throwing clay is definitely harder than it looks!)
How to make a wonky pot? One way is to make the sides irregular so that the thin side collapses. (I seem to be very good at that!)
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