Monday, February 11, 2013

Another Snow Storm

When winter is over, I remember it as one long season of snow. But, in reality, the snow comes in waves - a snowstorm can be followed by days of sun and warmer weather - which packs the snow down and evaporates some of it. And then comes... another snow storm!

I had become comfortable before this last one hit: I had been able to walk outdoors without worrying about icy patches.

But then last weekend we got a foot (30 centimeters) of fresh snow!

Before Terry retired, I would often shovel the snow while he was at work. Several of the men on our street didn't know what to make of this: They viewed snow shoveling as "men's work."

(Did having a woman do it make it look too easy?!)

They were happy when Terry retired and the job became his again!

I never mastered the art of using a snow-blower. Terry claims it is hard work, but as I watch them - but from the warmth of indoors - it looks like a lot of fun!

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