Monday, January 20, 2020

Winter is Half Over!

Yesterday marked the half-way point in Terry's "100 Days of Winter"... (He calculates December 1 as the first day of winter and March 10 as the last. These two dates have an average daytime temperature of 0 degrees Celcius / 32 degrees Fahrenheit).

Terry spent much of the morning clearing snow from our driveway - a job made harder by his careful attention to detail.

I offered to help, but I wasn't meticulous enough!

My approach is this, I told him: Decide what is most important ... If I could only do half an hour of snow removal, what should I focus on...?

His approach is to do it perfectly: Move the chairs off the front deck and don't forget to sweep away the snow that's under the chairs...

But the sun will get that, I protested...

He didn't complain when I didn't do it his way - but it's hard to work with someone who has higher standards than you have!

No wonder you are discouraged every time it snows, I told him. It frustrates you that your carefully manicured driveway is covered with more snow and you have to start over again...

He agreed - but I think he's stuck in his ways - just as I am stuck in mine!

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