When we made an addition to the house fourteen years ago, the builder constructed another shed to store materials and tools. When the construction was done, it became our catch-all for daily needs: it holds our garbage cans (so that squirrels, skunks and raccoons can't get into them), as well as rakes and brooms and other things we need frequently. The metal shed was moved to the back of the yard and used to store "junk" - like extra bricks, bags of fertilizer left over at the end of gardening season, and our rusty wheel barrows.
I need a garden shed, I told Terry a few years ago - so he and a friend put up this large plastic shed between the wooden one and the metal one. I organized my pots and tools - and used it to store lawn furniture in winter. But before long Terry was adding his own stuff - like the metal frame and plastic sheeting for his large plastic winter "garage." Eventually I couldn't get to my things without removing his first!
Recently Terry decided to finally replace the old metal shed with another plastic one.
He has started to assemble it.
This one will be your garden shed, he promises me. (But somehow I have my doubts!)
Good old Terry! Have you thought about taking the other sheds down and having a few that match? We've got a row of three a bit like yours' and they look fantastic. Just make sure you've got a solid, level foundation underneath so the roofs line up nicely and it'll look fab.