Sunday, July 8, 2012

Growing (in the Dark)

I have been going through "dark" times - not sad times - but dark in the sense of "groping in the dark," not sure what I should do. It is always hard to make decisions for other people, but this is what caregivers are called to do, making decisions for aging parents who may not get the big picture - but who, nonetheless, have strong feelings about how they do and don't want to live their lives. 

I have no answers as I grope on! But I did find these words comforting when I came across them recently: "There is a place within the providence of God for the darkness, the night, the shadow. Our individual formation is in the dark, between conception and birth. The mysterious workings of our body are in the dark. The seed grows secretly in the dark... We need to recognise and work with this darkness, even when we feel it is opposing the light which is the primary gift of God."

So as my mother and I continue on, walking in the "dark"...

... or in a fog (unaware of what is around us - to help or to hinder our progress), all we can do is trust God for wisdom! "Darkness and light are both alike to Thee." (Psalm 139:12)

(The above quote, attributed to Bishop John Davies, is taken from To Pause at the Threshold, p. 37)


  1. Thank you for another metaphor for life. Nxo

  2. John Davies - as in old friend from Israel? Or just same name?
