But not quite as close as this man, who must love pigeons! We saw him sitting on some church steps in Montreal!

On that same visit to Montreal, we had an opportunity to observe some squirrels, as we rested briefly in a park on St. Denis Street...

These Montreal squirrels looked different from the squirrels in our neighborhood... They seemed bigger, and had patches of white on their stomachs.
Most of the squirrels around our house are black or gray.

They annoy Terry by opening shells on our deck and leaving a mess...

This squirrel - sitting on the top of my weeping cherry tree - has something red in its mouth. Could it be a cherry?!

I've never noticed any fruit on the tree... but seeing the squirrel enjoying his tasty treat sends me out to check. No, I don't see any fruit growing on its branches.

We have a lot of crows around our house, too. Sometimes they decide to share in our meals - by taking food out of the compost. Here they are eating our leftovers... cobs of fresh corn that they have dropped on the grass. I don't mind them finishing off any bits we may have left behind... I just wish I wouldn't have to pick up after them!
We humans have the impression that we own the world... But I suspect birds and animals have the same feeling...
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